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Cripistemology? 🐋

Crip pandemic conversations: textures, tools and recipes.

Close up of colourful woven tapestry
Photo courtesy of Alecsander Alves.

Today's read:

I had to look up the definition of Cripistemology and there are a few. It seems to be a topic drawn out of academic study and after reading through a few abstracts I found one that I liked, or at least one that my brain was able to process:

A cripistemological approach to creative production focuses on how knowledge produced via a Crip/Disabled experience can shape and change the way we approach our respective mediums.

Crip Pandemic Life: A Tapestry is an archive of writings and recorded conversations that build on “Cripistemologies of Crisis” (2021). This special edition asks contributors to share their ephemeral and everyday modes of living and surviving during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Crip Pandemic Life is published on Lateral, a peer-reviewed, open-access digital journal and production site of the Cultural Studies Association.

Crip Pandemic Life: A Tapestry - Lateral
This collection builds an archive of crip crisis knowledge that collectively addresses the question: what do we need to not forget from the pandemic?

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