Today's read:
The greatest existential threats we face is from other humans who believe congenital disabilities are something to be fixed and eliminated through gene therapy and human gene editing.
Check out this recording of Alice Wong speaking (first 20 minutes) for the Assembly for the Future: The Last Disabled Oracle which was hosted by TTWDNext two years ago.
Alice talks about the implications of gene editing on the disability community which only a few years ago seemed like science fiction but is now become a looming reality.
What will it look like to live in a future where our technologies allow us to turn societal illusions about being "better" and "stronger" humans into a reality?
Why aren't we focusing on making the world "better" and "stronger" and leaving our bodies out of it?
The Things We Did Next (TTWDNext) is a multi-platform exploration of futures to come in the era of climates changed and changing, The Things We Did Next (TTWDNext) transports collaborators, participants + audiences to 2029 when significant impacts on planetary health are a daily reality, alongside powerful upheavals of our cultural, political and energy systems.

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