Creative Connector member Salima Punjani has an online exhibition taking place over at Arts Accessibility Network Manitoba.
The exhibition is called "PROGRESSION" and it's a multi-sensory, interactive installation that superimposes in real-time the narratives of people with multiple sclerosis on their EEGs and brain MRIs.
I took it for a spin the other day and got to choose my display name as well as my own avatar who navigates the digital space that looks like the coziest corner in outer space.
It features various sensory entry points such as visual and tactile photographs, audio narratives, and vibratory sound elements.

Click the link below to explore the world of PROGRESSION and to learn more about Salima!

Image Description: This is a poster advertising the online cybor-world experience created by Salima Punjani titled “PROGRESSION”. The top graphic is a screen-shot from the digital world of the entry portal, a beige-walled ‘waiting room’ with hanging planters and pastel floor pillows. Out the entranceway we glimpse the lower image: a space night-scape with ethereal ropes of glowing purple and azure. Two caves on the horizon sport white text: “What reminds you of who you are?” and “How do you want to be seen?”. In the centre, next to the artist’s name and below the show title we read: “ONLINE EXPERIENCE OPENING JUNE 7 AT AANM.CA/ONLINE-EXHIBITIONS.” The logos for AANM and the Province of Manitoba appear along the side.
Thank you for being here. 💚
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