Everything in my body is stretchier than it should be. I am poorly strung together. My bones do not stay where they should be because the ligaments and tendons holding them in place are floppy. If I don't sit down, or put my feet up, my speech starts to slur, the light dims right down to dried-blood brown, and eventually I faint. The time in between, when I can't speak and cry at the light, can last for aeons. There are names for all these things, and reasons for them. Things that might help them. They are not just how I am. They are not just something I have to live with. That is what diagnosis gave me.
In her memoir "Some of Us Just Fall," Polly Atkin shares her profound journey through years of unexplained health issues, leading to the discovery of two chronic conditions in her thirties. This thought-provoking narrative combines elements of memoir, pathography, and nature writing as Polly unravels her experiences with misdiagnoses, fractures, dislocations, bone-crushing exhaustion, and the struggle for belief.
Check out the interview with Polly and Elspeth Wilson (from the Disability Arts Online).
To find out more about Polly's new book, visit the link below.

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