Creative Connector member Ashley T. has been working on an exciting new project called IdentiQueer, a QTBIPOC alternative sex magazine that aims to reshape the narrative of desirability one story at a time.
The magazine will be available for in-person purchase June 6, 7, and 8th at the Trajectories of Now Exhibition being held at BodyshopStudios at 302 Geary Avenue in Toronto as part of the Geary Art Crawl.
The publication includes the nonfiction stories of 11 QTBIPOC folks discussing sex, dating, identity, disability, abuse, and many other issues to be realized in the spectrum of the sexual landscape.
IdentiQueer will be available in 4 formats, regular print, uncontracted braille, audiobook, and audio-visual book.
Follow IdentiQueer on Instagram @identiqueer to learn more about the featured contributors and the upcoming exhibition. For magazine pre-orders, please email Ashley T. at
All sale proceeds will support Glad Day Bookshop and Maggie's Toronto.

About Ashley T.
As a young, Black Biracial, Bisexual Woman with Bipolar Disorder from Toronto, Ashley T. has coined herself as “The BiFecta”.
She is a multidisciplinary artist who creates within the realms of abstract visual, literary, and performance art. She works with diverse materials spanning from acrylic paints on canvas, to ink on paper, to her voice on the mic, to her body on the stage.
Ashley T. uses art to ground and remind herself of the power she possesses to be a positive change in this world. Each piece she creates is a small chapter of her visual memoire.
You can check out Ashley's profile on the Creative Connector directory and connect with her on Instagram to check out her other projects.
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